John Bradley is a Senior Analyst for Humanities Computing at King's College London and has worked on Digital Humanities issues since the 1970s. He began working in the Centre for Computing in the Humanities (CCH) at King's in March 1997, having worked previously at the University of Toronto (Canada). A significant element of his work at CCH includes the management, design and analysis of a number of major multi-year collaborative research projects with discipline-specific partners from the humanities (funded by the AHRC and Mellon Foundation). They range in subject from music to history, and focus on issues that arise from modelling, collecting and presenting highly structured data and text from complex humanities sources. He also teaches in CCH's academic program at both the undergraduate and MA level.
Personal research interests have centred on exploring the impact of digital tools on Humanities research. He was the principal designer for the TACT text analysis system in the 1980s and 1990s - a system that although now over 15 years old still has today an influence upon thinking about text-based tools within the Digital Humanities community. More recent work (The Pliny project) has proposed and demonstrated a new role for computer tools to support scholarly research, and was derived from an analysis of the significance of scholarly notetaking. In 2008 this work was awarded a MATC prize from The Mellon Foundation.